坚信价值 发布于 2022-10-06 00:37:50
首页行情行情中心筛选器新股上市买什么交易A股交易基金交易私募中心下载App扫一扫,下载登录/注册坚信价值()来自雪球发布于今天 00:37关注 博枫基建股东信摘抄 2017Q1来自坚信价值的雪球专栏
从各季度#博枫基建股东信# 中摘抄一些时效性不高的文字。使用有道机器翻译。$Brookfield基础设施(BIP)$
【Current Momentum 当前的势头】
The performance of the equity markets has been strong over the past six to 12 months. The S&P 500 is up 7% on a year-to-date basis and 26% from its lows in 2016. Our units have performed (
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