黎立Nikita 发布于 2019-08-16 08:16:11
宏观1.【人民日报:坚决反制奉陪到底】中方决不会在重大原则问题上让步,无论美方如何极限施压。中方说到做到,坚决反制任何挑衅,有足够能力奉陪到底。肆意损害中国国家核心利益和人民根本利益的任何企图,终将以失败告终。The news agent, People’sDaily of China publishes a paper to discuss the trade war between the top twoeconomies. It states, Beijing will not back off from the principle issues, no matterhow pressure may be enacted by Washington. Beijing will not take any provocationand determined to finish (
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