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What are the most efficient ways to build new mental models?


Read a lot--just read. 多读。

Reading science, math, and philosophy one hour per day will likely put you at the upperechelon of human success within seven years.


Learn to love to read


书后附有“Naval's Recommended Reading"secton。

The means of learning are abundant--it's the desire to learn that is scarce.


Reading was my first love.


小时候读Reader's Digests 《读者文摘》。Now, of course,there's a smorgasbord of information out there--anybody can read anything all the time.


小时候的happy circumstance成长环境很宽松,没有人强迫读特定的书,不是引导阅读哪些书籍,不准阅读哪些书籍,阅读的by today's standards都是mental junk food。

Read what you love until you love to read.


读书的原因是because you're into it 喜欢,不要理由,不要任务,仅是enjoy it喜欢。

重读书,反复读。It's really more about identifying the great books for you because different books speak to different people找到适合的好书, 因为不同的人喜欢阅读不同的书,需求不同。Then, you can really absorb those 这样会受益良多。

Reading a book isn't a race--the better the book, the more slowly it should be absorbed.



有时候开始读一本书,真有意思,真好。You're getting this increasing sense of deja vu. 读着读着,你越来越有种似曾相识的感觉。你意识到原来讲过,很好。那就意味着你准备好重读这本书了。I pick up a lot of books and only get through a few which form the foundation of my knowledge 我略读多,精读少却形成了我的知识的基础。

我每天可能阅读一两个小时,已经属于top 0.00001%了。I think that alone accounts for any material success I've had in my life and any intelligence I might have. 我认为阅读占据我一生中的所有物质成就和所有精神成就的来源。阅读习惯重要。读什么不重要。兴趣引导足够阅读,dramatically improve your life 极大提升生活。像坚持workout运动一样,读有思想、有信息、有学习内容的东西,the best ones to read are the ones you're excited about reading all the time 一直读感兴趣的阅读。

"As long as I have a book in my hand, I don't feel like I'm wasting time." --Charlie Munger


记笔记,记成推特。Pointing out obvious exceptions implies either the target isn't smart or you aren't. 断章取义以偏概全意味着要么攻击的对象不聪明,要么你不聪明。

拿起一本书来怎样阅读?skim for 浏览一下有意思的部分,然后怎样阅读?just flip to a random page and start reading 随便翻到任意一页开始阅读?你的阅读过程?

我从开始读但是读得很快。如果没有意思,就会快翻、跳读,或速读。If it doesn't grab my attention within the first chapter in a meaningful, positive way, I'll either drop the book or skip ahead a few chapters. 如果第一章没有实质启发意义的内容,就会放下书或跳读几章。不信延迟满足,delayed gratification where there are an infinite number of books out there to read 世界上的书太多了。

The number of books completed is a vanity metric. As you know more, you leave more books unfinished. Focus on new concepts with predictive power.


书有one point一个论点,用海量例子证明观点,用观点解释论证现象。Once I feel like I've gotten the gist, I feel very comfortable putting the book down. 一旦明白了书的主旨,就不再读下去了,伪科学畅销书太多了。读了两章,了解到了书的主旨,就算读过了这本书了。

If they wrote it to make money, don't read it.


What practices do you follow to internalize/organize information from reading books?


Explain what you learned to someone else. Teaching forces learning. 讲解学到的知识,以教促学,教学相长。

It's not about "educated" vs. "uneducated." It's about "likes to read" and "doesn't like to read."


What can I do for the next sixty days to become a clearer, more independent thinker?


Read the greats in math, science, and philosophy. Ignore your contemporaries and news. Avoid tribal identefication. Put truth above social approval.


Study logic and math, because once you've mastered them, you won't fear any book.


图书馆里的任何书都不怕,难度大,没关系。Then go back and reread them and reread them 接着一遍又一遍地读。有了困惑,就像the pain you get in the gym when you're working out 运动时感受到的肌肉酸痛。But you're building mental muscles instead of physical muscles. Learn how to learn and read the books. 阅读是锻炼精神肌肉而不是身体肌肉。学会如何学习和阅读书籍。

The problem with saying "just read" is there is so much junk out there. There are as many different kinds of authors as there are people. Many of them are going to write lots of junk.


有些人貌似very well-read who aren't very smart博览群书,知识渊博,但没有很好的智慧。原因是虽然博览群书,但是以错误的顺序读了错误的内容。They started out reading a set of false or just weakly true things, and those formed the axioms of the foundation for their worldview. Then, when new things come, they judge the new idea based on a foundation they already built. Your foundation is critical 开始读时都是些不是真理和没有实质性东西的内容,形成了世界观的基础后,当新事物出现时,用建立起来的基础进行判断,自然没什么见地。打好基础是关键。

Because most people are intimidated by math and can't independently critique it, they overvalue opinions backed with math/pseudoscience.


When it comes to reading, make sure your foundation is very, very high quality.


最好的方法是打好high-quality foundation高质量基础,the trick is to stick to science and to stick to the basics诀窍是坚持科技,坚持基础。无争议的是很少的,是严谨的知识 serious knowledge。Mathematics is a solid foundation 数学是阅读坚实的基础。

自然科学 the hard sciences 和微观经济学 microeconomics 都是阅读坚实的基础。一旦开始徘徊脱离了这些坚实的基础,就in trouble陷入麻烦了,因为难辨真伪了。我会尽可能为阅读打下坚实的基础。擅长算术和几何比to be deep into advanced mathematics深研高等数学有用得多。我会多读微观经济学--从微观经济学入门课程开始读 I would read microeconomics all day long--Microeconomics 101。

Another way to do this is to read originals and read classics. 另一种方法是阅读原著和经典。Don't read the current interpretation someone is feeding you about how things should be done and run 不要读现代解读评论性的内容,那些只是别人告诉你的如何做事和世界如何运行。

以原著和经典为基础,then you have enough of a worldview and understanding that you won't fear any book 你能够获得足够完备的世界观和深刻的理解力,不会再怕任何书籍。只要学习。如果成为一台永动学习机 perpetual learning machine, you will never be out of options for how to make money 你就永远不缺赚钱的途径。You can always see what's coming up in society, what the value is, where the demand is, and you can learn to come up to speed 具有洞察力、价值、需求、学习紧跟时代的脚步。

To think clearly, understand the basics. If you're memorizing advanced concepts without being able to re-derive them as needed, you're lost.


bite-sized,pithy wisdom 一口能吃得下的,碎片化的,言简意赅的智慧 推特脸书时代,得到的都是碎片化的智慧精华,真的难以吸收。现代人书是非常难读,因为我们的大脑已经被训练成特定模式,大脑同时接受了两个相互矛盾的训练。

One is our attention span has gone through the floor because we're hit with so much information all the time. We want to skip, summarize, and cut to the chase.

go through the floor 降至最低水平

cut to the chase 抓住核心,抓住要害,直入主题


Twitter has made me a worse reader but a much better writer.


On the other hand, we're also taught from a young age to finish your books. Books are sacred--when you go to school and you're assigned to read a book, you have to finish the book. Over time, we forget how to read books. Everyone I know is stuck on some book.

另一方面,我们从小被教育书必须要读完。书是神圣的--上学时指定要读完一本书,再读一本。随着时间的推移,我们忘记如何阅读。我认识的每个人都卡在了某本书上。现在卡住了不能再深入读了,怎么做?You give up reading books for a while 你暂时放弃阅读书籍了。

放弃阅读是个悲剧。阅读伴随成长,没有从网络上学到任何东西。每一天发推文,然后看看谁转发了推文。娱乐有趣但只是个游戏。I realized I had to go back to reading books. 我意识到我必须回归阅读。

I came up with this hack where I started treating books as throwaway blog posts or bite-sized tweets or posts. I felt no obligation to finish any book. Now, when someone mentions a book to me, I buy it. At any given time, I'm reading somewhere between ten and twenty books. I'm flipping through them.

把书当成博客文章集锦或推文合集,不用必须读完。买回来,同时阅读10本、20本,都是一目十行、囫囵吞枣地读。如果枯燥,就跳过 skip ahead。有时候从中间抓眼球的地方读,不全读完 I feel no obligation whatsoever to finish the book. All of a sudden, books are back into my reading library. That's great, because there is ancient wisdom in books. 突然之间,书籍又回到我的阅读图书馆里。这真是太棒了,因为书籍中蕴含着古老的智慧。

When solving problems: the older the problem, the older the solution. 当解决问题时,问题越老,解决方案存在的时间越长。


If you're talking about an old problem like how to keep your body healthy, how to stay calm and peaceful, what kinds of value systems are good, how you raise a family, and those kinds of things, the older solutions are probably better.


Any book that survived for two thousand years has been filtered through many people. The general principles are more likely to be correct. I wanted to get back into reading these sorts of books.


You know that song you can't get out of your head? All thoughts work that way. Careful what you read.


A calm mind, a fit body, and a house full of love. These things can not be bought. They must be earned.

