量化投资与机器学习 发布于 2020-12-15 16:54:26
如果你想在Jane Street(一家全球知名与神秘的做市商公司)找到一份收入最高的工作,你需要有解决一些极难的脑筋急转弯。Jane Street因在面试时向其候选人提出具有挑战性的脑筋急转弯而闻名。公众号列出几个给各位Quant瞧瞧,看看你们能做出来否,祝你好运!
Puzzle1Each of the grids below is incomplete. Place numbers in some of the empty cells so that in total each grid’s interior contains one 1, two 2’s, etc., up to seven 7’s. Furthermore, each row and column within each grid must contain exa (
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